
PhotonicNet GmbH offers its partners a wide range of services:

From advice on questions relating to business start-ups, funding applications or patenting, to bringing together project partners, to initiatives in training and further education and accompanying internal and external communication. Together with its partners, PhotonicNet develops supraregional forums, workshops and working groups on current development trends in the various technology fields.

Here you can find the profiles of our network partners.

Innovation Networks

Together with the regional German innovation clusters for Optical Technologies, OptecNet Deutschland e.V. represents a powerful network. PhotonicNet is member of OptecNet.

Optech-Net e.V.

As an innovation network, OpTech-Net e.V. has been supporting companies, universities and research institutions in the field of optical technologies in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2001.

Zur Website

OptecNet Deutschland e.V.

The merger of the eight regional photonic networks on a national level.

Zur Website

HansePhotonik e.V.

Is the regional competence network for optical technologies in northern Germany.

Zur Website

OpTecBB e.V.

Optical technologies from Berlin and Brandenburg.

Zur Website

Photonics BW e.V.

The innovation network for optical technologies in Baden-Württemberg.

Zur Website

bayern photonics e.V.

Good ideas need good contacts.

Zur Website

optonet e.V.

Represents around 100 players in the Thuringian photonics industry and offers a platform for networking and cooperation.

Zur Website


Title Date Seats

Weiterbildungsseminar "Optische Systeme: Design und Simulation"

Ob in der Beleuchtungstechnik, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, der Displaytechnik, der Messtechnik, der Medizin, der Biophotonik oder der Fertigungstechnik – Licht findet vielfältigste...
City: Blaubeuren bei Ulm

26.03.2025 - 29.03.2025
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Workshop Advanced Optics Production

Detaillierte Informationen folgen in Kürze. Agenda: 08:30 Uhr Anmeldung & Welcome Coffee 09:00 Vorträge 10:30 Kaffeepause 11:30 Vorträge 13:00 Mittagessen 14:30 Vorträge 16:00 Führung...
City: Berlin

06.03.2025 - 06.03.2025 Enough seats
Logo OptoNet e.V.

14. Jenaer Lasertagung

Zur 14. Jenaer Lasertagung laden wir Expertinnen und Experten aus Industrie und Forschung, Bildung und Politik ein, um aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen der Laserbranche zu diskutieren. Wir freuen...
City: Jena

05.11.2024 - 06.11.2024

Weiterbildungsseminar "Beleuchtungsoptik: Entwicklung und Anwendung"

Ob in der Beleuchtungstechnik, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, der Displaytechnik, der Messtechnik, der Medizin, der Biophotonik oder der Fertigungstechnik – Licht findet vielfältigste ...
City: Weingarten

06.11.2024 - 08.11.2024

Further Training Seminar "Advanced Lens Design"

Optical design is a key technology for innovations in medical and biotechnology, automotive applications, industrial manufacturing, mechanical engineering, space technology, lithography and consumer...
City: Aalen

16.10.2024 - 19.10.2024
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Photonics Days 2024

The Photonics Days 2024 will take place on October 9 and 10 as usual at the WISTA Event Center in Berlin-Adlershof. We are expecting more than 400 participants, including numerous international guests...
City: Berlin

08.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Logo HansePhotonik e.V.

Laser von heute und morgen

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zum 74. HansePhotonik-Forum am 19. September 2024 um 13:00 Uhr Gastgeber: Coherent, Hamburg   Im Fokus: " Laser von heute und morgen " Anmeldeschluss ist der...

19.09.2024 - 19.09.2024


Here you can find the latest job offers.


4 Jahre Studentische Hilfskraft-I (m/f/d): Photonic Lanterns

Leibniz Institut für Astrotechnik | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the study of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. Research focuses on cosmic magnetic...

Auszubildende (m/w/d) zum Feinwerkmechaniker (Spezialisierung Feinmechanik)

Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
Wir suchen zum 01. September 2024 in der Abteilung Forschungstechnik Auszubildende (m/w/d) zum Feinwerkmechaniker (Spezialisierung Feinmechanik).

Scientist/DevOps Position in EScience Section (w/m/d)

Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), section Supercomputing and E-Science , invites applications for a position within the team: Scientist/DevOps in E-Science Section (w/m/d) We...

4 Jahre Studentische Hilfskraft-I (m/f/d): Fibre Filters

Leibniz Institut für Astrotechnik | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the study of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. Research focuses on cosmic magnetic...

4 Jahre Studentische Hilfskraft-I (m/f/d): Opto-electronics

Leibniz Institut für Astrotechnik | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the study of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. Research focuses on cosmic magnetic...

4 Jahre Studentische Hilfskraft-I (m/f/d): Fibre-chip coupling

Leibniz Institut für Astrotechnik | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the study of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. Research focuses on cosmic magnetic...

4 year PhD student (m/f/d) Photonics

Leibniz Institut für Astrotechnik | Working location: Potsdam | 05.09.2024
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is dedicated to astrophysical questions ranging from the study of our Sun to the evolution of the cosmos. Research focuses on cosmic magnetic...