hannoverimpuls GmbH

hannoverimpuls GmbH

Brief Outline

Mechanical Engineering "Made in Hannover" is more in demand worldwide than ever before. The factories of the world rely on the expertise of local companies. While they benefit from the size of the domestic market and its industrial tradition, the German market, with its high market shares, is considered relatively saturated. This means that growth and revenue increases are primarily expected in foreign markets. The high-tech expertise available in our region offers significant opportunities in this regard! Hannoverimpuls and the Internationalization Network assist you in identifying attractive new markets, developing your individual market entry strategy, and building the right sales channels.


hannoverimpuls GmbH
Vahrenwalder Str. 7
30165 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 / 300 333-51
Fax: +49 511 / 300 333-99
Web: www.hannoverimpuls.com

hannoverimpuls GmbH
Dr. Jens Hörner
Head of Sector Development
Phone: +49 (0) 511 300 33351