Brief Outline
ProOpto GmbH, based in Göttingen, was founded in 2008 as a spin-off of the Optics/Short Wavelengths Department of the Laser Laboratory Göttingen, now the Institute for Nanophotonics Göttingen (IFNANO).
ProOpto develops and markets camera-based metrology systems, particularly for the characterization of wavefronts and the propagation behavior of laser radiation, as well as for the precise measurement of the absorption of optical beam guiding components. In collaboration with IFNANO and the distribution partner Topag GmbH/Darmstadt, customized services in the field of optical metrology are also offered. Our global customer base includes companies and research institutions from the fields of optics, lasers, semiconductors, and aerospace technology.
The employees of ProOpto GmbH have over 25 years of experience in optical laser metrology for nearly all types of lasers and other radiation sources from the NIR and visible to the UV, EUV, and X-ray spectral ranges.
ProOpto GmbH
Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1
D-37077 Göttingen
Dr. Klaus Mann
Phone +49–551–5035-41
Fax +49–551–5035-99